Consulting Services
Helping you reach your college goals
Bartlett College Consulting offers a customized range of options, rather than a one-size-fits-all model. Jen provides her services on an hourly basis so that students and families can pick and choose the type and amount of help they’d like. To get started, pre-payment for a minimum of 10 hours of service is required.
Find colleges to explore and visit that match your distinct interests and preferences
Choose your high school courses and make thoughtful plans for extracurricular activities
Understand what makes a strong applicant
Create an individualized target list of colleges, aiming for a good fit on all fronts (academic and admissions, social, financial, geographic & setting)
Learn about the range of college costs and types of aid and apply this to your situation
Brainstorm, review, and receive essay advice for your application’s primary, supplemental & scholarship essays
Prepare for interviews with admissions representatives and scholarship committees
Take ownership of the application process & stay on track for deadlines by establishing timelines and a step-by-step plan
Strategize your application approach (EA/ED/RD, & testing) for your targeted schools to put your best foot forward
Review college responses and aid packages, and consult on final enrollment decisions
Questions? Ready to learn more? Contact Jen.
Bartlett College Consulting can help you:
Make your college journey one that is focused on possibilities rather than pitfalls!